24/7 Support

We provide IT services for you since 2005. We support our clients 24/7 from the very beginning of our activity. Accessibility is the foundation of our business.
Regardless of the size of the company with which we cooperate - we understand that the key issue is time. Our priority is to reduce the time associated with the unavailability of IT services or resources.
Thanks to our extensive experience in the production sector - we are not afraid to guarantee support for our clients in the 24/7 mode. We understand that the problem is not a broken computer but a stoppage of the entire business process in which this computer has only a small role. We understand that there are situations in which the problem should be solved "here and now". We offer you IT outsourcing and support of produced software in accordance with your expectations and adapting to your needs. A thorough analysis of your company's operating model allows us to offer the best possible support.
To guarantee you the highest possible service - we offer you cooperation based on the Service Level Agreement (SLA). Service agreements based on which we provide for your services clearly and precisely define the areas of our operation and define the guaranteed time (time to respond to a problem notification and time to solve the problem). Thanks to such precise guidelines, we can talk about full accountability and transparency of cooperation.